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The Basket

     The basket is your:

     The very goal of the sport is to get your disc into the basket. There are several different kinds of baskets available for purchase to practice with, however the most common type of basket you'll encounter on courses is the metal chain basket. A little bit of history can be found on the PDGA website on the development of Disc golf and the basket. As you can see in the image below a basket is pretty simple. It consists of a heavy weighted base, a pole, a basket attached to the pole about midway up the pole, a sort of cap from which the capture chains hang.

Basket Image

You might be wondering, can I make one myself? And to that my friends I say most certainly. In fact this seems to be a growing favorite project for welding classes at many schools. The following video is just another creative way that you can make a basket of your own to pratice with! 

The following has been a design by Joel Gonzalez.