Season 2

Episode # Name Description
0 The Christmas Invasion The newly regenerated Doctor travels to present day London and Rose is happy to be home. Her mother is happy to see her, her protestation to the contrary. The Doctor isn't well however suffering from what he describes as a surplus of energy. While he is in a coma-like state, the people of the Earth are threatened by the Sycorax who threaten to destroy one-third of the planet's population if they don't surrender. The Prime Minister, in the apparent absence of the Doctor, asks for assistance from Torchwood but it's slow in coming and the end is fast approaching. Rose's mum Jackie has the cure for the Doctor, however.
1 New Earth As Rose Tyler embarks upon her first big TARDIS adventure with the newly-regenerated Doctor, they discover a sinister hospital run by strange cat people and run in to two old acquaintances, The Face of Boe and Cassandra.
2 Tooth and Claw The Doctor intends to take Rose to a 1979 pop concert, but instead they arrive in Balmoral, Scotland in 1879. They have a chance meeting with Queen Victoria who is traveling with her entourage to the Torchwood estate, home of Lord Robert and his wife, Lady Isobel. Adopting the alias of Dr. James McCrimmon, the Doctor convinces the Queen that they are friends of the crown and are invited as guests of her majesty. But little do they know that a brotherhood of monks have turned from god and are now worshiping an alien consciousness that fell to Earth centuries ago. It takes the form of a werewolf and has been passed down the centuries from person to person. It wants to take the royal throne and It's next intended host is Queen Victoria herself. Can the Doctor and Rose prevent the rise of the Empire of the Wolf?
3 School Reunion The Krillitanes - aliens with a mix-and-match physiology - are trying to crack the 'God-Maker', a paradigm to give them ultimate power. They are using children as a computer, and only the Doctor and Rose, re-united with Sarah Jane Smith and K9 can prevent them from becoming masters of time and space.
4 The Girl in the Fireplace The Doctor, Mickey and Rose land on a spaceship in the 51st century only to find 18th century Versailles on board, the time of Madame De Pompadour! To find out what's going on the Doctor must enter Versailles and save Madame De Popmpadour but it turns into an emotional roller coaster for the Doctor.
5 Rise of the Cybermen When the Tardis fails - and is apparently unrepairable - it lands in present-day London, or so it seems until they see the sky filled with zeppelins. It seems that they have landed in a parallel world or universe that is akin to Earth but with significant differences. The arrival is quite dramatic for Rose who learns that in this world her father Peter, who died when she was only 6 months old, is alive. Peter works for a wealthy industrialist, John Lumic, who has a plan to take control by recreating one of the Doctor's greatest foes - the Cybermen.
6 The Age of Steel Tumic's army of cybermen is on the rise, and with more and more people being converted by the hour, time is of the essence. The gang are reduced to fugitives as they roam the streets of parallel London trying to rid the earth of cybermen.
7 The Idiot's Lantern In 1950s London, the police are hunting down strange, mute creatures. The people of Britain gather around their new-fangled "tele-vision" sets to celebrate the new Queen's coronation - but is something affecting the signal?
8 The Impossible Planet The TARDIS lands on an alien planet shrouded in a darkness that even the Doctor can't figure out. And what is lurking at the bottom of The Satan Pit?
9 The Satan Pit As Rose battles the murderous Ood, the Doctor finds his every belief being challenged to the core, as the Pit beckons. With the planet threatening to fall into the black hole, the Doctor must make the ultimate sacrifice.
10 Love & Monsters A run in with the Doctor at a young age leads Elton to a group who's studying him, they become friends and have a laugh until Victor Kennedy arrives. Suddenly everything becomes more serious then people start disappearing from the group. Can the Doctor save Elton and explain his past before he's absorbed by the Absorbaloff
11 Fear Her The Doctor and Rose travel to London in 2012 to see the Olympics - only to find that children are mysteriously disappearing before peoples very eyes. The answer seems to lie with a young girl named Chloe and her strange drawings - but is there something more sinister behind the disappearances?
12 Army of Ghosts As the ghosts of loved ones appear, the whole world celebrates. But as the Doctor investigates he believes that there is a more sinister motive behind their appearence. And deep within the Torchwood tower, a mysterious sphere containing the greatest enemies of the Doctor is opened...
13 Doomsday Earth becomes the battlefield for the greatest and deadliest war of all time, as the Daleks and the Cybermen clash with the whole universe at stake. The Doctor and Rose, reunited with old friends and Cybermen experts Mickey and Jake, race to find a way to bring the war to an end before it brings about the destruction of the whole of space and time. But the Doctor soon faces an even bigger dilemma - could ending the war mean the death of Rose?
Episode # Name Description