Doctors of the 2000's

9th Doctor - Christopher Eccleston

9th Doctor

The 9th Doctor began the revival of the series and is player by Christopher Eccleston. He brought the series back and was only present for one season and his companion was Rose Tyler. His Sonic Screwdriver and the layout of his TARDIS is the base and stays the same for the 10th Doctor. His catch phrase was “Fantastic” and he regenerated because Rose took the time vortex into her mind to stop the Daleks and he took it into his own mind to save her, forcing him to regenerate.

10th Doctor - David Tennant

10th Doctor

The 10th Doctor took over for the second season through to the 4th season. David Tennant played the 10th Doctor, and his companions were Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble. He had the same TARDIS and Sonic Screwdriver as the 9th Doctor but his own individual wardrobe and catch phrase, “Alonsi”. He almost regenerated once because a Dalek shot him when he was going to see Rose, who he had missed all this time, but he channeled it elsewhere and that helped Donna make a clone of him that was human. Later on, he was forced to regenerate after the Time Lords tried to return and he was almost killed by radiation but he regenerated quickly enough that he could live on.

11th Doctor - Matt Smith

11th Doctor

The 11th Doctor is played by Matt Smith and he is in the current season that will come out November 23, 2013. His seasons are 5-8 and his companions are Amy Pond and Rory Williams, River Song, Clara Oswin Oswald. He is currently traveling with Clara and their story has not yet been revealed. The Doctor will be regenerating in the 8th season but it is not currently know why. The 11th Doctor was almost forced to regenerate when River Song tried to kill him because of The Silence but he used a robot and survived. The 11th Doctor got a new layout for his TARDIS and a new Sonic Screwdriver and his catch phrase is “Geronimo”.