
Rose Tyler

Rose Tyler

The first companion of the Doctor, she started out with the 9th Doctor and continued with the 10th Doctor. She first met the Doctor at her work when the manikins came to life and continued traveling with him for a long time, leaving behind her boyfriend Mickey Smith and her mother Jackie Tyler. She travels with the Doctor until she is trapped in an alternate universe without the Doctor but she has her mom, dad, and Mickey. When time starts to deteriorate, she comes back to our universe and when the Doctor accidently makes a human clone of himself, his clone goes with Rose to the alternate universe to live his life with her because they fell in love with each other. She is the only person that the Doctor has actually fallen in love with. Rose Tyler was is in 2 seasons and returns in another. She is played by Billie Piper.

Mickey Smith

Mickey Smith

Mickey is the boyfriend of Rose Tyler and is in Season 1 and 2 while also returning with all other companions of the Doctor during the end of the universe when Rose is able to return. At first, Mickey is jealous of the Doctor because Rose picks him but eventually he is a loyal companion who stays with Jackie and protects the earth. When the Doctor and Rose go to an alternate reality, Mickey is with them and he helps them to defeat the Cybermen but decides to stay there and continue the fight against the Cybermen and eventually is there with Rose and Jackie and her Father Pete. He spends the remainder of his life with Rose and her family in the alternate reality. Mickey is played by Noel Clarke.

Jackie Tyler

Jackie Tyler

Jackie is Rose’s mother and she ends up in the alternate universe to be with Pete after the alternate Jackie is killed by the Cybermen and stays with Rose once there. She is always worried about Rose and only goes with the Doctor a few times and helps to take care of him during his first regeneration. She generally stays and helps with Mickey and they stay on earth while the others travel around space and time. She is played by Camille Coduri and she is only in season 1 and 2.

Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane is one of the companions from the older seasons with her own spin-off series and she is only in a few episodes in the revival series, once at the end of the universe and once when Mickey calls the Doctor and Rose back. She was left behind on earth by the Doctor because humans age and he does not and he could not stand to stay with her because he liked her but she made her own life on earth continuing their work and has a son. She is played by Elisabeth Sladen and appears in season 2 and 4.

Captain Jack Harkness

Captain Jack Harkness

An agent of the Time Agency and Torchwood, we first meet him as he tries to scam the Doctor and Rose in Season 1. Jack shows up many times in different seasons and this is because, in the first season, Rose lets the Time Vortex into her mind and she brings Jack back to life and this accidently makes him immortal. Jack is his alias and we never find out his true name but he was called the Face of Boe on his home planet and later on this extremely wise and old alien also shares this name. The life of Jack is a mystery and he repeatedly comes back to join the Doctor in different adventures with different companions until he decides to lead Torchwood on Earth to protect earth while the Doctor is away. Captain Jack is played by John Barrowman.

Martha Jones

Martha Jones

A Doctor herself, she is a medical doctor and she meets the Doctor when the universe police put the hospital on the moon and Martha helps the Doctor find the alien criminal and at first doesn’t want to go with him but then goes with him later. She goes to the end of the universe with the Doctor and they meet the Master. When they return to earth, Martha travels the earth for 3 years to bring down the rein of the doctor and it is thanks to her that the world is saved. After she saves the world, she joins an earth military called UNIT that also fights alien technology and other countries. She returns to save the earth with the other companions and ends up getting married to Mickey and she is only in season 3. Martha is played by Freema Agyeman.

Donna Noble

Donna Noble

Donna Noble is in Season 4 but is introduced in the beginning of Season 3. She first rejects the Doctor and is angry at him so he takes Martha Jones with him but after the end of the season, the Doctor is alone and is investigating one company and accidently runs into Donna at the same company because she is investigating it. She then continues to travel with the Doctor and the center of time revolves around her as one organization tries to erase her from the Doctor’s history because she saved his life in Season 3. It ends up being “the Doctor Donna” and she gains the mind of a Time Lord in a Human body and she saves the universe and accidently makes a human clone of the Doctor, who goes to live his life with Rose, and together with all other companions, they save the universe. Unfortunately, because the mind of a Time Lord will make a human brain explode, the Doctor is forced to wipe her memory and leave her with her grandparents to take care of her and for her to continue her life as if she had never traveled with the Doctor. She was the most important woman in time and couldn’t remember it. She was in Season 4 and is played by Catherine Tate.

River Song

River Song

River Song is very mysterious and is in all seasons after the first season. She is there for multiple reasons and her story is revealed to us as time goes on. Her timeline runs opposite the of the Doctor and he is a match for her. She is actually the daughter of Amy and Rory and she is a Time Lord because she was conceived in the TARDIS while in flight and her growing up in the hands of the Silence turned into an evil psychopath but she loves the Doctor and she knows what will happen to him before he does. She is there for him but also tries to kill him. She claims to be his husband but no one knows and her real name is Melody Pond. She keeps a blue diary that looks like the TARDIS and is able to drive the TARDIS better than the Doctor can. Their fates are forever intertwined and the end of their relationship is yet to be known. River Song is played by Alex Kingston.

Amy Pond

Amy Pond

The Girl who waited. Amy Pond is the first one that meets the 11th Doctor after he is regenerated and he leaves to fix the TARDIS but promises that he will return for young Amy in 5 minutes but he comes back many years later. When he returns, she is a young lady and Rory Williams is her boyfriend and future husband. When the Doctor finally returns, he finds a time rift in her room, the first thing he found about Amy. Throughout seasons 5-7, Amy travels with the Doctor and Rory goes with them later on. The Doctor and Amy eventually find the source of the time rift because River Song had to self-destruct the TARDIS to save the universe and a lot happens with Amy, Rory, and the Doctor. Their relationship ends when Amy and Rory get sent back in time to New York when they find it is filled with weeping angels and they stay there. Amy Pond is played by Karen Gillan.

Rory Williams

Rory Williams

Boyfriend and husband of Amy and father of River Song, Rory is not initially accepted by the Doctor but his persistence and Amy’s love for him helps him to travel with the two of them and he is the first one that travels for an extended period of time with the Doctor and one other person. He and Amy help the Doctor and River defeat the Silence and stop the end of the universe when time stops. Rory is in Seasons 5-7 with Amy and they leave when Rory sees himself die in old New York and then, once they return to modern day, an angel gets him and sends him back to the place where he died and Amy lets the angel get her so she can be with Rory. Rory Williams is played by Arthur Darvill.


Clara Oswin Oswald

The Impossible girl. Clara appears in the beginning of Season 7 and dies. Later on, she returns in the middle of Season 7 after Amy and Rory have gone and stayed in New York and she dies again. The Doctor cannot figure out why the same girl keeps popping up throughout time and dies. Soon, he finds her in modern day England and he travels with her for the remainder of Season 7. They fight a thing called the Great Intelligence and they are forced to go where no Time Lord should ever go, his own grave. There, the Doctor’s entire timeline remains and the Great Intelligence enters his time-stream to erase the existence of the Doctor but Clara follows him and stops him everywhere so that the Doctor will live. The Doctor rescues her from the end of his time-line and that is the end of Season 7, to be continued on 11/23/13. Clara is played by Jenna Coleman.