Belt Requirements
11th kyu:
The only requirement is enthusiasm.
10th kyu:
Stances: Front and Straddle.
Punches: Lunge and Reverse (stationary).
Blocks: Rising, Outside, Inside, and Down Blocks.
Kicks: Front snap, Side snap, and Back thrust (stationary).
Combinations: Front kick to lunge punch, Reverse punch to front snap kick.
Kata: Taikyoku Shodan
9th kyu:
Stances: Back stance
Blocks: Knife hand block
Kicks: Roundhouse kick
Strikes: Ridge hand, Elbow, Bear claw, Fore-knuckle, Palm heal, Single finger, Two finger, Spear hand, Backfist, hammer
Blocks: Augmented block
Kicks: Front thrust and Side thrust kicks
Fighting Stances: Jab, Reverse punch, Jab to reverse punch, Reverse punch to jab
Kata: Heian Nidan (Testing Kata); Heidan and Taikyoku Shodans (Previous Kata)
7th kyu:
Basics: Double punches, All blocks with a reverse punch, any block followed by a strike
Combinations: Outside block elbow strike, Knife hand block to front snap kick
Fighting Stance: Jab step up front snap kick, jab step up roundhouse kick, Lunge punch, Lunge punch to jab
Kata: Heian Sandan (Testing); Heian Nidan, Heian Shodan, and Taikyoku Shodan (Previous)
6th kyu:
Fighting Stances: Reverse punch to front snap kick, Reverse punch to round house kick, and Lunging reverse
Kata: Heian Yodan (Testing); Heian Sandan, Heian Nidan, Heian Shodan, and Taikyoku Shodan
5th kyu:
Punches and Strikes: Triple punches, Reverse punches (moving), Triple strikes
Blocks: Wedge; X; Low knife hand; Augmented; Any block with a double or triple punch; Any block/strike combinatioin; Any block, reverse punch, strike combination; Any strike, reverse punch, block combination; Any block, strike, block combination; Any block, reverse punch, block combination
Kicks - Alternating Legs and/or Same Leg Combinations:Front and side snaps, roundhouse, spinning back thrust; Front snap and thrust; Front snap and roundhouse; Front snap and side thrust; Roundhouse and side thrust; Roundhouse and back thrust; Side snap and back thrust; Side snap and side thrust (in a straddle stance)
Combinations: Outside block, elbow strike, back knuckle strike, reverse punch; Knife hand block, front snap kick to spear hand thrust
Fighting Stances: Front snap kick to lunge punch, reverse punch; Jab to lunge punch, reverse punch; Lunging reverse punch to reverse punch to front snap Kick; Lunge punch, jab, reverse punch; Front snap kick to lunge punch, reverse punch to roundhouse kick; Free form fighting stances (hand and feet combinations)
Kata: Heian Godan (Testing); Any Heian, Taikyoku Shodan Katas (previous)
4th kyu:
Blocks: Reverse form blocks moving backwards and fowards in a front stance; The additional blocks with either a reverse punch, double punch or a strike: Wedge, X, Low knife hand, and Augmented
Fighting Stances: Jab step-up front snap kick switch resverse punch to front snap kick.
Kata: Tekki Shodan
3rd kyu:
Basics: Any combinations fo punches, blocks, strikes and stances
Combinations: Outside block, elbow strike, back knuckle strike, reverse punch; Knife hand block, any single or double kick off the lead leg, to spear hand thrust; Kata sequences
Kicks: Any double kick combination using the same leg; Perched kicks - stationary (front, round, side, back 5 times each leg); Any double or triple kicks using alternating legs, such as front, round, side, back
Fighting Stances: Lunge punch to jab, step up round kick to spinning back kick; Lunging reverse, reverse, round kick to spinning back kick; Lunge punch, switch, reverse, side thrust kick, to shuffle up back kick; Jab, step up round kick, switch, reverse punch to side thrust to spinning back kick; Reverse punch, step up front kick to lunge punch, reverse punch; Front kick to lunge punch, reverse punch to round kick
Kata: Bassai-Dai and all previous katas (Testing)
2nd kyu:
Basics: Any combinations of punches, blocks, strikes and stances; Double handed tiger mouth; Supported backhand block
Kata: Heian Godan and Bassai Sho, Kanku Dai
1st kyu:
Basics: Same as 2nd kyu Brown
Kata: Bassai and Tekki Sandan
Basics: Teach basic techniques to a beginner student
Kata: Kanku Sho, Jion, and two additional Katas (grading is based on difficulty)