Protect life and nourish compassion
- Walking meditation / Breathing.
- While walking, breathe deeply calming the body, stopping thinking and be present. We do this to take care of our own seeds of violence and fear.
Live simply and treat the environment with care
- Remembering the conditions of happiness.
- Find a quiet spot, write on a piece of paper the conditions you have to be happy. Let go of the idea that only the future can bring happiness.
Respect and understanding are the foundation of love that is true
- Physical excersise is wonderful way to take care of energy. Every day, even if its small ways.
- Yoga is a great way to help channel energy in a way that is nourishing and healthy.
Harmonious relationships are based on loving communication
- This is an essential tool to understand others pain and suffering.
- Keeping communication open. Practice not listening or partaking in gossip. Once we realize we have said something to cause suffering, we must apologize right away.
Mindful consumption can ease suffering and nourish and mind
This includes the practice of dwelling in the moment
- Finding volition: your aspirations, deepest desires, what you want to do with your life. If we are motivated by compassion and a desire to help ourselves and others suffer less.
- Conciousness: Many good things like mindfulness, concentration, insight, love, compassion, and joy. These are wholesome energies.