Wealth Money - Money that is created and spent or exchanged into circulation and which is not a debt, liability or an obligation to either the issuer or the user.

Free coinage, as set forth in the 1792 mint act, is a good example of wealth money. Under that law, anyone who had silver or gold or who had dug some gold or silver bullion out of the earth could take it to the United States Mint. The mint would weight, assay, and coin the bullion into legal tender coins free of charge. If the person took the coins home and spent or exchanged them into circulation, it would be wealth money. If the coins were loaned into circulation the newly minted coins would become debt money. All commodity money started out as wealth money.

Another example of wealth money would be for the government or the banks to create new money and spend it into circulation to pay for building and repairing of the nation's basic infrastructure for the people to use, free of taxes or fees.

Most all of the problems that Americans and the world suffers.........

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Sourced from Modern Money Secrets