Testing and Belt Levels
Links Belt Color Testing Level







    1. Shodan
    2. Nidan
    3. Sandan
    4. Yondan
    5. Godan
    6. Rokudan
    7. Shichidan
    8. Hachidan
    9. Kudan
    10. Judan
  1. Beginner - 11th kyu white belt.
  2. 10th kyu - yellow belt.
  3. 9th kyu - 1st degree blue belt.
    8th kyu - 2nd degree blue belt.
  4. 7th kyu - 1st degree green belt.
    6th kyu - 2nd degree green belt.
  5. 5th kyu - 1st degree purple belt.
    4th kyu - 2nd degree purple belt.
  6. 3rd kyu - 1st degree brown belt.
    2nd kyu - 2nd degree brown belt.
    1st kyu - 3rd degree brown belt.
  7. Black Belt Levels
    1. 1st degree black belt
    2. 2nd degree black belt
    3. 3rd degree black belt
    4. 4th degree black belt
    5. 5th degree black belt
    6. 6th degree black belt
    7. 7th degree black belt
    8. 8th degree black belt
    9. 9th degree black belt
    10. 10th degree black belt
Testing and
Belt Levels






Karate Club

Shotakan of

Belt Requirements

11th kyu:
The only requirement is enthusiasm.

10th kyu:
Stances: Front and Straddle.
Punches: Lunge and Reverse (stationary).
Blocks: Rising, Outside, Inside, and Down Blocks.
Kicks: Front snap, Side snap, and Back thrust (stationary).
Combinations: Front kick to lunge punch, Reverse punch to front snap kick.
Kata: Taikyoku Shodan

9th kyu:
Stances: Back stance
Blocks: Knife hand block
Kicks: Roundhouse kick
Strikes: Ridge hand, Elbow, Bear claw, Fore-knuckle, Palm heal, Single finger, Two finger, Spear hand, Backfist, hammer
Blocks: Augmented block
Kicks: Front thrust and Side thrust kicks
Fighting Stances: Jab, Reverse punch, Jab to reverse punch, Reverse punch to jab
Kata: Heian Nidan (Testing Kata); Heidan and Taikyoku Shodans (Previous Kata)

7th kyu:
Basics: Double punches, All blocks with a reverse punch, any block followed by a strike
Combinations: Outside block elbow strike, Knife hand block to front snap kick
Fighting Stance: Jab step up front snap kick, jab step up roundhouse kick, Lunge punch, Lunge punch to jab
Kata: Heian Sandan (Testing); Heian Nidan, Heian Shodan, and Taikyoku Shodan (Previous)
6th kyu:
Fighting Stances: Reverse punch to front snap kick, Reverse punch to round house kick, and Lunging reverse
Kata: Heian Yodan (Testing); Heian Sandan, Heian Nidan, Heian Shodan, and Taikyoku Shodan

5th kyu:
Punches and Strikes: Triple punches, Reverse punches (moving), Triple strikes
Blocks: Wedge; X; Low knife hand; Augmented; Any block with a double or triple punch; Any block/strike combinatioin; Any block, reverse punch, strike combination; Any strike, reverse punch, block combination; Any block, strike, block combination; Any block, reverse punch, block combination
Kicks - Alternating Legs and/or Same Leg Combinations:Front and side snaps, roundhouse, spinning back thrust; Front snap and thrust; Front snap and roundhouse; Front snap and side thrust; Roundhouse and side thrust; Roundhouse and back thrust; Side snap and back thrust; Side snap and side thrust (in a straddle stance)
Combinations: Outside block, elbow strike, back knuckle strike, reverse punch; Knife hand block, front snap kick to spear hand thrust
Fighting Stances: Front snap kick to lunge punch, reverse punch; Jab to lunge punch, reverse punch; Lunging reverse punch to reverse punch to front snap Kick; Lunge punch, jab, reverse punch; Front snap kick to lunge punch, reverse punch to roundhouse kick; Free form fighting stances (hand and feet combinations)
Kata: Heian Godan (Testing); Any Heian, Taikyoku Shodan Katas (previous)
4th kyu:
Blocks: Reverse form blocks moving backwards and fowards in a front stance; The additional blocks with either a reverse punch, double punch or a strike: Wedge, X, Low knife hand, and Augmented
Fighting Stances: Jab step-up front snap kick switch resverse punch to front snap kick.
Kata: Tekki Shodan

3rd kyu:
Basics: Any combinations fo punches, blocks, strikes and stances
Combinations: Outside block, elbow strike, back knuckle strike, reverse punch; Knife hand block, any single or double kick off the lead leg, to spear hand thrust; Kata sequences
Kicks: Any double kick combination using the same leg; Perched kicks - stationary (front, round, side, back 5 times each leg); Any double or triple kicks using alternating legs, such as front, round, side, back
Fighting Stances: Lunge punch to jab, step up round kick to spinning back kick; Lunging reverse, reverse, round kick to spinning back kick; Lunge punch, switch, reverse, side thrust kick, to shuffle up back kick; Jab, step up round kick, switch, reverse punch to side thrust to spinning back kick; Reverse punch, step up front kick to lunge punch, reverse punch; Front kick to lunge punch, reverse punch to round kick
Kata: Bassai-Dai and all previous katas (Testing)
2nd kyu:
Basics: Any combinations of punches, blocks, strikes and stances; Double handed tiger mouth; Supported backhand block
Kata: Heian Godan and Bassai Sho, Kanku Dai
1st kyu:
Basics: Same as 2nd kyu Brown
Kata: Bassai and Tekki Sandan

Basics: Teach basic techniques to a beginner student
Kata: Kanku Sho, Jion, and two additional Katas (grading is based on difficulty)