How to find the volume of an object whose shape is complicated.
What you need:
- Overflow Can
- Catch Bucket
- Graduated Measuring Container
- String or Thread
- Water
Position the overflow can so that the spout will drain into the catch bucket.(Notice in our pictures that we just used the graduated measuring container for a catch bucket. First, fill the overflow can so that the water comes out of the spout. We fill it over full so that when it is done flowing we know that it is completely full to its over flow point.
Next, we replace the catch bucket with the graduated measuring container, or in our case, just empty the measuring container. Note: By starting with an empty measuring container, we can just read the volume right from our container. Otherwise we would have to subtract the final water level reading from the initial water level reading.
Now we can gently lower our object into the water so that it is completely submerged.
Water being"displaced" by object.
Finally, we can just read the volume from the measuring container.