Haloism : Halo 2 LAN








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Well, H-Fi Done

I made a few sacrifices, some due to time limits others simply because they were too complex. I did put in a menu, but it's not an image map, just several images. This way I can more easily switch the picture for one with white text depending what page the visitor is on. I looked into getting scripts, but I couldn't get them to work... a future improvement maybe.

I liked how the banner at the top worked out, overall I'm happy with it. Could be better, maybe will be better but it's time to start cracking down and spitting out content for other pages and so forth. but the look will be pretty similar. The website is near completion.

As far as the domain name goes, it's still avaiable (www.haloism.net) and I just need to get my paycheck deposited in order to buy it, will probably do it next week.

Plans for site

Well, I want to make a cool looking background for the title banner. Good thing I made it transparent, that way I have the option to put a background without worrying about the Haloism title. I'll darken the image to increase the contrast for the actual title... I'll toy around until I hit something I like.

Another big issues is the menu, it's too simple as is. I want a cool menu picture, maybe the halo metal plate with the halo font as title. I need to look at the options of changing the picture when you click (need some form of confirmation when people click a link). Just will take some googling :)

I'm thinking of making all the subtitles, like Links and Contact into pictures in order to use the cool Halo font, or better yet the stylized windows font I used in the title gif (Halo 2 LAN). Another thing I'm interested is looking up random generation scripts, so that the quote and pictures can easily be changed.

Lo-Fi done...

Ok, I began to work on the high bandwidth version. It all started with a cool picture of Master Chief, you can find the original here. It's actually a picture of the statue on e-bay, so it might not be up forever.

I took it into photoshop, cut out the figure then flipped it horizontally (so it's facing the right direction). I used a custom Halo font (not mine, from Will Turnbow) and then applied a nice lightning filter to make the leg cut-off less noticeble. It turned out pretty nice, it's down the left corner of the site :)


Right now I have them white, but I'm thinking of playing around with the colors a bit... not quite sure this works.

Got it working!

Well, basically what I did was create tables inside the cells, and just made the cell's content
vertical aligned to top, this made the table be to the top, and got both my cells inside that table to stick to the top. Yay.

"Get in the Warthog and crush his skull like a tomatoe can..."

- Simmons, RvB

About Haloism

Haloism is in the shortest definition possible: a large scale xbox Halo 2 LAN party. I had the idea after a successful Halo 2 LAN on February 19th with up to 20 players. It was fun, but there were certain flaws. Instead of simply re-doing it, but adressing those flaws, I decided to make a bigger one.


Wildfire Games