The Life of a Star

Star Spectral Type Comparison

Spectral Type Temperature (°K) Radius (Suns) Mass (Suns) Lifetime (millions of years) Color
O 40,000+ 10+ 50+ 10
B 20,000 5 10 100
A 8,500 1.7 2 1,000
F 6,500 1.3 1.5 3,000
G 5,700 1 1 10,000
K 4,500 0.8 0.7 50,000
M 3,200 0.3 0.2 200,000

Stars are classified based on the energy they give off in the form of light, heat, and other radiation. Red-yellow stars become a white dwarf. Larger (blue) stars are more likely to end in a Supernova, or even become a Black Hole.