
Worst Villains
Name Pictures Who They Are
A genetically engineered race on the planet Skaro to be emotionless killers. Their primary function is to conquer and destroy all other life across the universe and to insure the survival and purity of the Dalek race. They were created by Davros and were a major enemy in the Time War. Their outer shell serves as life support and protection along with weaponry. They are one of the Doctors worst enemies and they continue to return throughout time.
Intended to be the next level of Mankind, this project went horribly wrong when the robots decided that they should upgrade all human beings to their state. A cyberman is made up of a human brain and a steel exoskeleton. Emotions are removed and have a human inside but do not require one to function. Their main goal is to “upgrade” all humanity and can kill with an electrical charge from their hands when they wish to “delete” someone because they wont comply with their system. The Cybermen also were a player in the Time War and continue to show up throughout time and will not stop until all humanity is upgraded. They compete with the Daleks and fight with each other when they can.
The Master
The Master
A Time Lord, similar to the Doctor, who grew up with the Doctor but was driven mad by drumming in his head when he looked into the time vortex. This drumming was not only in his head but sent by the other Time Lords to help them to escape from a Time Lock put in place by the Doctor to stop the Time War. The Master hid at the end of the universe from the Time War and when the Doctor ends up there, he takes the TARDIS and uses it as a paradox machine to take over Earth. When the Doctor and Martha Jones stop him, they kill him. Farther in the future, a radical group tries to bring him back from the dead to continue his work and bring back the Time Lords. The Doctor faces him alone and when the Master realizes that he is being used to bring back the Time Lords, he wants to help them but the Doctor convinces him otherwise and the Master commits suicide.
Weeping Angels
Weeping Angels
A time-sensitive alien-killer that looks like stone and is as old as the universe. They do not age and they freeze in time when someone looks at them and the second they are not being watched, they can move around as long as they don’t look straight at each other. They feed off of the time energy that a person has so they do not actually kill people but they take the time they would have had and send them back in time. They are “weeping” because they cover their eyes before people look at them and when you turn away or blink they will move and they move lightning fast but only when they are unseen. River Song calls the Doctor and Amy to a planet filled with angels when a ship crashes and the angels feed off of the energy of the ship and try to get the people inside to take their energy too. The Doctor only beats them when he finds and opens a rift in Time and they fall into it.
A species that is made up of clones and they are the ultimate warrior race. They are continuing to hatch new batches of clones continuously and they are all obsessed with battle and taking over other planets to prove themselves as warriors and to develop a planet so that it can be used to make more clones. There is only one spot in their armor at the back of their neck, forcing them to always face their enemy.
An ancient race that first inhabited the Earth and are humanoid, but are reptiles. They were a highly advanced civilization but they buried themselves under the earth to escape from the global cooling that took place and they took the traces of their civilization with them. A small town accidently finds them and wakes up their warriors forcing the Doctor to try to defeat them. This race is not sympathetic to human beings because we are not taking care of the earth and we will only want the earth to ourselves. Eventually, the leader of the race decides that they will rise farther in the future and kills the warrior trying to kill the humans.
Race of aliens who conquered many others and over generations, take on the qualities of the races they have overthrown. These qualities can be physical or mental and this change occurs over very few generations. They have conquered many planets and can now morph into different shapes, including a strong human being. A side effect of this change has made their own oil toxic to them with just one touch but they are able to use this oil to make humans smarter. The Doctor has encountered them on different occasions and his most recent account was when they were using the oil to make kids smarter to solve the major problem of the universe that would give them power over time, space, and all things.
A race believed to be from the beginning of time. They are giant Spiders with a humanoid torso where the head would usually be but their head is the size of a human being’s but retains the spider head. These giant creatures devour entire planets because they are born hungry but they were destroyed during the Time War except for the empress who was trapped in Earth’s core when the Earth was first created. She comes back during modern times and tries to bring back her children but the Doctor drowns them with the water surrounding England.
Vashta Nerada
Vashta Nerada
The name means “the shadow that melt the flesh” and this organism is a carnivorous microspore that lives in the dark, including shadows. They usually live in forests and eat road kill and live in trees but when a master library is made on its own planet. The micro-species comes along in a book because of the paper and it kills all of the people on the planet. When the Doctor visits, he has first encounter with River Song and she dies there. This race is clever and with an archeology suit, it enters the suit and pretends to be people with a shadow of their spirit and kills all of the team except for the Doctor and Donna but what we find later is that the library was making copies of the people for the hard-drive and saved all of their lives so they can be evacuated. There is no way to beat this species and you can only avoid it by being constantly in light.
The Silence
The Great Intelligence
The Silence is a race that can hypnotize humans so once they look away from them, they forget them and the Doctor and his friends spend a long time trying to defeat them and they raise River Song. Eventually, time stops and the silence is caught by the human beings and they can only remember it with a special eye-patch and eventually the Doctor defeats them.
Name Pictures Who They Are