There are many things that need to be done before you paint the car. The car has to be
pretty much stipped of everything on the outside.
The following is a list of things that needs to be done before you paint:
- Remove all windows
- Remove all blinker, head lights, and trim
- Remove all four hubcabs
- Put a 1 ft. by 1 ft. roof tent on top of the car
- Use a 1 1/2 inch hole saw to drill holes for chains in the following areas:
- four on hood
- four on trunk
- ome hole on back side of every door to hold it shut
- Put chains through holes as tight as possible
- Remove hood ornament (if desired)
Now on to the paint job:
- door has to have numbers on both sides
- driver door must be constrasting color to rest of car
- let you imagination run wild after this is done