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Black and Tan


The Black & Tan is one of many tracking breeds that was developed in the south of the United States. The breed can trace its immediate ancestry to the American Foxhound and the Virginia Foxhound of the colonial days, with probably the introduction of some Bloodhound stock. This later would not only explain the coloration of the Black & Tan, but its tendency toward being larger boned than other breeds, its long ears, and its famous cold nose.

The American Black & Tan can probably be traced to the English Foxhounds, and before that to the Tolbot Hounds and St. Herbert Hounds of France. These hounds were first brought to England following the Norman incasion in the 11th century.

The American Black & Tan was the first coonhound breed to be admitted into the registry with UKC. When they were first registered in 1900, and for several years after that, they were registered as American Black & Tan Fox & Coonhounds.


Head and Neck

HEAD: Carried well up, very slightly domed and broad between the ears, never narrow. Neck not too thick, nor too long, but graceful and strong, minimum dewlap.

TEETH: Scissors bite preferred, even bite acceptable.

EYES: Prominent, hound-like, pleading expression. Dark brown or black, not lighter than hazel. Eyelids firm and closing(no drooping).

EARS: Set medium low, well attached to head and devoid of erectile power, should reach to approximately to the end of the nose when drawn out. Should hang gracefully, inside part tipping toward muzzle, should not be too pointed at tip, slightly oval, soft and velvety, hanging in a roll when head is raised.

MUZZLE: Well-balanced with the other features of the head, medium square, with flews sufficient to give square appearance. Nostril large, open, black in color, never butterfly or pink.


Muscular and sloping, indicating speed and strength.


Deep, moderately wide, showing large lung space.


Short and slightly arched, well-muscled and strong. This is one important part of this breed. A good rule to breed to is the same distance from root of tail to shoulder as height at shoulder.


Smooth, round, proportionately wide, flanks gracefully arched, muscular at the loins, tail heavy, strong at root tapering, rather long without brush, carried free, well-up, saber like.


FRONT: Straight, smooth forearms, muscular, straight at knees, perfectly in line with upper leg.
HIND: Strong and muscular above hock. Slightly bent at hock and stifle, not cow hocked, free of dewclaws.


Round, solid, cat foot, well-padded and knuckled, set directly under leg. This is a very important part in this breed.

Color and Coat

Smooth haired, fine, glossy, but thick enough for protection. Predominatly deep, rick black, with tan trim covering not more than 10-15 percent of body. Small pumpkin seed over eyes. A little white on breast is not a fault, but no white elsewhere.


Slightly more at shoulders than at hips.
MALES: 23 to 27 inches
FEMALES: 21 to 26 inches


MALES: 50 to 75 pounds.
FEMALES: 40 to 65 pounds.
Dogs being shown slightly under weight due to hunting will not be penelized. This is a warking breed and should appear as such.

Characteristics of this Breed

Active, fast, bright, kind, confident, courageous, with open trailing and treeing instinct and ability.


Chest and Ribs..............................................10
Back and Loins.............................................15
Legs and Feet...............................................20
Coat and Color.............................................5
General Make-up..........................................5