a flying witch


Knowledge Center



Unit is the word we use to describe one of whatever it is that we are counting. So if we counted ten apples, our unit was one apple. Or if we measured somthing to be 20 inches long, our unit was one inch of length. Sometimes there is confusion when a math problem is explained as having no units. This usually just means that the math will work regardless of what unit is used.



Length is the measurement of a straight line distance. Length carries the idea of a measurement that is one dimensional. (See chart to the right)


The term Area is used to describe or measure the size of a surface. So an Area needs to have lenght and width. That is why Area is considered two dimensional.


Volume is the three dimensional aspect of an object. That is because volume needs length, width and depth to fully describe or measure it.



Density is a measure of how heavy something is per its size. More specifically, it is an objects weight per volume.