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        The architecture of local houses of northern Thailand is known as "Lanna". Name another kingdom located in the north of the 13th to the 18th century. largest and finest kind of classic townhouse residences "KALAE" name decoration V or X at the top of the front sprocket, which symbolizes the horns of water buffalo.

        The house "KALAE", as its cousin the center is built based on prefabricated panels, mounted on stilts with a space below multipurpose. The typical house consists of a double jointed building at the edge of the roof by a gutter with wooden tiles instead of ceramic. The exterior walls are straight and not leaning inward trapezoidal roof is flat and not curved as in the version of the center. The windows are small and placed only on the side walls to better retain heat during the cold season, as temperatures can drop close to zero degrees.

        There are four different types of houses "KALAE" which varies according to size, to include four buildings and a terrace high school. Other types of houses in the north are smaller and less luxurious than the house "KALAE", but share many basic characteristics of the latter. The most important houses in the north east terrace and veranda or "Toennies", facing south for warmth. The main part has only a piece and serves as a dormitory for the whole family.

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