JB Media Company


Things to consider before hiring a designer:

Here are some general time estimates for popular projects, including variables that may have an impact on how long it will take—and ultimately, how much you pay for the work.

Project Time Variables
Flyer One hour to 10+ hours Are copy and images provided from the start, finalized, and sized appropriately?
Logo Five hours to 20+ hours, possibly over several weeks What elements are involved: Illustration? Typography?
Infographic Four hours to 20+ hours Who’s writing the script?
Web Design Three weeks - 1 month Who's providing the content? Is it for an e-commerce?
Photography Two to 4 hours Is it a wedding? Senior pictorial?
Video Production Two to 8 hours is it for a Music Video? Corporate? or Special Events?


A lot of people who wanted to be successful are struggling because they think that they don't have enough resources to succeed. They don't realize that if we want to win, everything has to start within ourselves. If we change the way we think then our actions will start to change as well. A motivational speaker once said to me "Positive Mindset + Positive Actions = Positive Result, Negative Mindset + Negative Actions = Negative Result.

Peter Mckinnon

Tips and tricks of a canadian photographer and filmaker on how to get better in photography.