

asian carving Woodcarving is popular in many countries throughout Asia. Most of the carvings are either relief carving, figure carving, or a mix of both. Most carvings are based off of either famous religious figures such as Buddha or Shiva. Other carvings are based off of things in nature such as landscapes and wildlife. The carvings done tend to be more realistic than characture.


european carving In Europe woodcarving is most popular through out Scandinavia. The styles of carving that are primarily used are chip, relief, and flat-plane carving. The carvings are usually based off of mythological or historical figures, but some have intricate designs with swirling curves and geometric patterns. In other parts of Europe the designs are a mix of both relif and figure carving. Most have flower or leaf designs.

african carving


In Africa the art of woodcarving has very deep roots in the culture and is one of the most common forms of sculpture making. The most common style of carving is figure carving, but there is also some relief carving done on masks. Most of the carvings are of people or have people like features, but is primarily abstract.