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"I think Labradors make a great family pet for a number of reasons. Behavior wise, Labradors aim to please. They are also quick learners so they are very easy to train and take work time as serious as play time. They are also typically steady and gentle which makes them suitable to be around young children. They make great companions for outdoor activities because their athleticism and strength allows them to endure lots of exercise. For this reason, they do require a lot of exercise which will require a time commitment from the owner. They also tend to underestimate their size which leads to accidents especially when overly excited. They love to eat which can result in begging and are also very mouthy so they chew a lot of stuff that should be taught not to be chewed. Overall, Labradors are a wonderful breed for dog owners of all ages. Their personalities, loyalty, and unceasing love makes for a great companionship with humans."

"Having a pet Lab has helped me alot! Their kind! Compassionate! And just an all around great pet!"

"My testimonial for labs is: They are good for the soul! Our 9 yr old lab is so loyal, its as if his main goal is to make everyone feel so important and special! Our 1 yr old lab is so playful that even when you are having a bad day, she will lift up your spirit with her never-ending energy! I used to think that we provide for them what they need, but I now know that we are the ones that are Blessed to be chosen to have them in our lives!"