

Bulk sausage is the least involved to make. The
procedure to making sausage is basically the same.
Start with your ground meat, add spices, mix, and if
you want linked or country style sausage you will
need the appropriate size casing and stuff the
mixture. The best is yet to come cook and eat.

Making link sausage is a little more involved.To begin the process it is the same as making the bulk sausage. Once the product is mixed, then the fun begins, for the natural links we use sheeps casings. Put the sausage into the stuffer, or grinder if you have an attachment, called a horn that fits on the end the grinder, and begin stuffing. After the sausage is in the casing we begin the next process which is linking. Simply pinch the casing at the desired length of the link and spin the section of sausage between the pinched area. When the casing is linked simply cut, package, and freeze.

country style


Country style sausage is the same procedure as the link sausage without the process of linking. Another difference is the size of casing country style sausage take a hog casing instead of a sheep casing making the country style sausage in size comparison as a bratwurst.