Each rotor blade is 33 feet long and weighs approximately 350 pounds. They are composed of a mix carbon fiber, fiberglass, nickel, titanium and Kevlar. There are six blades total, three per rotor head. As mentioned they rotate at 225 rpm.
This is the aft rotor head. It has many components including the following: vertical hinge pin, pitch change links, lead/lag dampener, droop stops, and horizontal hinge pin.
Here is an overhead view of the CH-47 Chinook helicopter. It shows the diameter of the rotor and rotor system while the blades are spinning. As you can see one disk is about 60 feet and both rotor disks spinning is almost 100 feet. The reason both rotors combined only equates to 100 feet is because the rotor systems spin opposite directions and are timed to the each blade passes between two blades on the other rotor system.