Home Gray Wolves White Wolves Wolves Behavior Wolves Ranks

Alpha Pair:
Male and Female leaders of the pack. They often bond, or mate, for life, until either one dies.

Young Subordinates
Male and Females, including the Beta Wolf (the second-ranking wolf)

Juveniles and Pups:
Both sexes. Ranks within this position can range anywhere from scout to caretaker ((except for pups. Until they grow older, they just remain the 'pack pups')).

The Omega Wolf:
Male or Female scapegoat (bears the brunt of the pack's frustrations and harassment and may be the last to feed, or will go without food when it is scarce).

The image below shows how the ranks of wolves work what who is on top and who is on the bottom.

Home Gray Wolves White Wolves Wolves Behavior Wolves Ranks