The Terminator

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What is The Terminator?

The Terminator was created in the 1980's by James Cameron. The first movie simply called The Terminator was an instant hit. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger's first big role. The premise was to have machines that Human's had created go back in time in order to stop John Conner. This time travel aspect gave the movie an interesting twist. This series goes into out reliance on technology and what would happen with out it. After the success of the movie they went on to make four more movies and a T. V show. Although some are not as good as others. This series has proved it is able to withstand the test of time and has been in the media for years.

Terminator Lore

Primary Factions


The Human race is nearly brought to extinction when the Terminators fired nuclear missiles at them. They built the Terminators and a program called SkyNet. Both of which were built to protect ourselves. After the nuclear war Humans were scattered and not many survived. John Conner who had been hunted by Terminators since his childhood was one of the survivors. He was the most important aspect to the survivors. It is unknown the current status of the Human race but they must have been doing something right for them to try and kill a young John Connor


The Terminators are a race of machines created by humans to protect themselves. They are controlled by SkyNet a program which the Humans also created. Their main function is the extermination of the Human race, because as they see it they are a threat. The terminators are ruthless and un forgiving, they exhibit no human emotions or compassion. Their robotic arms are capable of crushing a car. Their skeleton is not unlike a humans. In some cases skin is put on a terminator for infiltration purposes. This race of machines is one of the most brutal known and are a worth faction is Science Fiction!

Some Media

Books T2: Infiltrator T2: Rising Storm Terminator Salvation: Cold War Terminator Salvation: Trial by Fire Terminator Hunt
Movies The Terminator Judgment Day Rise of the Machines Salvation The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Games The Terminator (SNES) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (16-bit version) Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Chess Wars Terminator 2: Judgment Day Terminator 3: War of the Machines