Colors LeTtErS Animals N3um3rs Shapes
Alligator Anglerfish Ant Anteater Ape
alligator anglerfish ant /anteater ape
An Alligator is a reptile, it lives on land and in the water. A Anglerfish is a deep sea fish that lives in pitch dark and uses the bulb attached to it's head to attract it's prey. An Ant is a very small insect that lives in tunnels they dig in the ground. An Anteater is a mammal that eats ants. There are different type of Apes, this one is known as an orangutan.
Badger Bat Bear Beaver Bee
badger bat bear beaver bee
Badger is a mammal A Bat is a nocternal animal, it sleeps during the day and is up all night. Bears are large land mammals, Bears hybernate(sleep) all winter long. Beavers are water/land mammals, they are builder animals, they like to build walls to trap water in one area. Bees are insects, they fly from flower to flower collecting pollen that they can take home and turn into honey.
Bird Bobcat Camel Cat Cheetah
bird bobcat camel cat cheetah
There are many many types of birds, birds fly and lay eggs. Bobcat is a medium size feline. Camels are desert mammals, they have large humps of fat on their backs, that fat is saved for emergencies when there is no food. Cats are cute. Cheetah is the fastest living land animal reaching speeds of up to 75 mph.
Chicken Chipmunk Cow Coyote Crab
chicken chipmunk cow coyote crab
Chickens are rasied on farms, they lay eggs. Chipmunks are little rodents, little bigger then a mouse, cousins to the squirrel. Cows are raised on farms as well, they have 4 stomachs that they use to proccess all the grass they eat. Coyote is a cousin to the dog, they live in the wild and hunt mostly at night. Crabs live in the water mostly hiding in the rocks.
Deer Dog Duck Dolphin Donkey
deer dog duck dolphin donkey
Whitetail Deer, male deer grow antlers in the summer and they fall off in spring only to regrow in summer again. Dogs are mans best friend, there are many different types of dogs that we have bred to meet our needs over the years. There are lots of Duck types, this one is a mallard. Dolphins are water mammals, they are also said to be the most intellegent mammal after humans. A Donkey is a shorter version of a horse, said to be very stubbern.
Elephant Ferret Fish Frog Giraffe
elephant ferret fish frog giraffe
Elephants are the largest land animal alive today. Ferret's are a type of weasel, they look like long cuddly rats. There many many types of Fish, Fish swim in groups called schools. Frogs are what is known as an amphibian, they have powerful hindlegs used for jumping long distances. Giraffes have extremely long necks for reaching leaves at the top of trees.
Goat Goose Gorilla Hamster Hawk
goat goose gorilla hamster hawk
Goats are the wild version of sheep, Goats are said to eat just about anything, a baby Goat is called a kid. A Goose is a the bigger cousin of the duck, they make a loud honk noise to communicate. Gorillas are large monkeys, they are the closes living relative to humans. Hampsters are little fuzzy rodents that many people have as pets. Hawks are one of the large birds of prey.
Hippo Horse Kangaroo Ladybug Lion
hippo horse kangaroo ladybug lion
Hippos are large mammals that like to stay in water most of the day, generally in rivers. Horses were the main mode of transportation before vehicles were invented. Kangaroos are marsupials, they have a small pouch on their belly to carry their babies in. Ladybugs are a beetle type insect, they have a tough shell on their back to protect their wings when not flying. Lions are large cats that rule the safari.
Monkey Owl Panda Rabbit Racoon
monkey owl panda rabbit racoon
Monkeys are mammals that generally live in trees in tropical forests. Owls are birds of the night, they do most of their hunting at night. Panda's are asian bears, they mostly only ear bamboo a tree native to Asia. Rabbits are cute fuzzy little animals. Racoons are the animal bandits of the night.
Rhino Seal Shark Snake Squirrel
rhino seal shark snake squirrel
Rhinos are think skinned mammals with large horns on their noses. This is a Baby Seal, seals lose all of their fur when they become adults. Sharks are fish, Sharks are the largest fish in the water today. Snakes are limbless reptiles that smell with their tongues. Squirrels have large bushy tails and they live in trees.
Tiger Turtle Whale Wolf Zebra
tiger turtle whale wolf zebra
Tigers are the largest of the cats, they have lots of stripes on their bodies. Turtles have a giant large shell on their body to protect themselves from preditors. There are many types of whales, this one is known as a Killer Whale, Whales are the largest animal alive on the planet today. Wolves are the largest of the canines(dog family), they travel and hunt in packs. Zebras are covered in black and white stripes.
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