The TI-86 Character Set

Characters 32-126 (20-7E hex) of the TI-86 character set are the same as in the standard ASCII character set. The TI character set has no special control characters; that is all characters are printable (with the possible exception of D6).

Equates for most of the characters are defined in Below is a table of all the characters, their corresponding character codes, and the defined equates.

This list is incomplete as of yet!

  1. (null)
  2. Lbinary
  3. Loctal
  4. Ldecimal
  5. Lhexadecimal
  6. Lconvert
  7. LsqUp
  8. LsqDown
  9. Lintegral
  10. Lcross
  11. LhexA
  12. LhexB
  13. LhexC
  14. LhexD
  15. LhexE
  16. LhexF
  17. Lroot
  18. Linverse
  19. Lsquare
  20. Langle
  21. Ldegree
  22. Lradian
  23. Ltranspose
  24. LLE
  25. LNE
  26. LGE
  27. Lneg
  28. Lexponent
  29. Lstore
  30. Lten
  31. LupArrow
  32. LdownArrow
  33. Lspace
  34. Lexclam
  35. Lquote
  36. Lpound
  37. Ldollar
  38. Lpercent
  39. Lampersand
  40. Lapostrophe
  41. LlParen
  42. LrParen
  43. Lasterisk
  44. LplusSign
  45. Lcomma
  46. Ldash
  47. Lperiod
  48. Lslash
  49. L0
  50. L1
  51. L2
  52. L3
  53. L4
  54. L5
  55. L6
  56. L7
  57. L8
  58. L9
  59. Lcolon
  60. Lsemicolon
  61. LLT
  62. LEQ
  63. LGT
  64. Lquestion
  65. LatSign
  66. LcapA
  67. LcapB
  68. LcapC
  69. LcapD
  70. LcapE
  71. LcapF
  72. LcapG
  73. LcapH
  74. LcapI
  75. LcapJ
  76. LcapK
  77. LcapL
  78. LcapM
  79. LcapN
  80. LcapO
  81. LcapP
  82. LcapQ
  83. LcapR
  84. LcapS
  85. LcapT
  86. LcapU
  87. LcapV
  88. LcapW
  89. LcapX
  90. LcapY
  91. LcapZ
  92. LlBrack
  93. Lbackslash
  94. LrBrack
  95. Lcaret
  96. Lunderscore
  97. Lbackquote
  98. La
  99. Lb
  100. Lc
  101. Ld

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