MMDT1021 Chapter 5 Notes - page 4

PNG graphic images.

File name: mountain16.7mil.png
File size: 191K

The image in full 24 bit color (16.7 million colors)  Notice the sharpness in detail.

File name: mountain256color.png
File size: 68K

The image in 8 bit color (256 colors).  The file size has been reduced greatly.  In this particular example, the image quality has not been degraded too much.  However, this may not be the case with many photographic quality images.  Images with may hues will appear blotchy when using only 256 colors.

File name: mountainjpg15.jpg
File size: 27K

The image with a compression of 15.  Notice that the file size has been significantly reduced and the image quality is very good.  However it is not quite as good as the image above, but it is still acceptable.


File name: soccer256color.png
File size: 21K

The image is crisp and clear.  This file size is about the same as for a GIF image.

File name: soccer256color.gif
File size: 19K

The image is crisp and clear.  This file size is about the same as for a GIF image.