MMDT1021 Chapter 3 Notes - page 2



Doctypes was covered in Chapter 1 Notes - page 2.  Review the notes on doctypes again.

Title head, and body structure

Title head, and body was covered earlier in Chapter 2 Notes - page 2 so that Lab2 could be completed.  Review these notes again.


Section Headers

Headers are used to section your page to give your page some structure.

Code Result
<h1>Header size 1</h1>

Header size 1

<h2>Header size 2</h2>

Header size 2

<h3>Header size 3</h3>

Header size 3

<h4>Header size 4</h4>

Header size 4

<h5>Header size 5</h5>
Header size 5
<h6>Header size 6</h6>
Header size 6


Paragraphs and Paragraph Alignment

This is presented again to reinforce the concept of using alignment.  XHTML requires the </p> tag, whereas in HTML the </p> closing tag was optional.  I would recommend to always use the </p> tag.

Code Page
Demo paragraph text. Demo paragraph text.


<p align="center">
Demo paragraph text. Demo paragraph text.

<p align="justify">
Demo paragraph text. Demo paragraph text.

<p align="left">
Demo paragraph text. Demo paragraph text.

<p align="right">
Demo paragraph text. Demo paragraph text.


See this again with more text in the paragraphs.

The default alignment for a paragraph is left alignment, so align="left" really doesn't do anything.