Example 14-4-C

Here we have some text before the table. Here we have some text before the table. Here we have some text before the table. Here we have some text before the table. Here we have some text before the table.
column 1 row 1 column 2 row 1
column 1 row 2 column 2 row 2
Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table. Here we have some text after the table.