Lab Assignment 10-11

Create an external style sheet named lab11.css.
In this style sheet put all the styles needed to produce the desired effects on page lab11.htm.

Create a web page file named lab11.htm.

Title the page "Lab Assignment 10-11 - Your Name"

Put your name in the title.

Create the lab11.htm web page so that it looks similar to what you see below.
The way the page looks is of your choosing, but these elements need to be present as a minimum:

  • There needs to be a text background with color or an image.
  • There needs to be italicized text without using the <i> tags.
    Hint:  you will need something like this font-style:italic.
  • Some text  needs to be a different font size that is absolute and some needs to be relative.
  • At least 6 Images placed in various parts of the page.  Some left, some right, some in the middle.
    These images need to be positioned absolutely.

You need to turn in all these files together in one folder for credit:

  • lab11.htm
  • lab11.css
  • all images that you used

Grading criteria:

Criteria Points
Correct file names. 2
Correct HEAD, TITLE, and BODY structure with student name in the titles. 1
Both Absolute and Relative text sizes. 1
Colored banner. 2
Background color or image. 2
Italicized text using CSS. 2
Images placed on various parts of the page. 4
Styles are in an external style sheet (lab11.css). 4
Assignment in on time. 2